InternQC two men shaking hands

Showcasing the vibrancy of the QC to summer interns

While you introduce your summer interns to your company and profession, we’ll immerse them in the vibrancy of our region so they won’t want to leave. Talent attraction goes beyond engaging summer interns in your business; you want them engaged in our community, too. Hiring summer interns is your opportunity to showcase your business and culture, develop skills and leadership in our next-generation workforce and hopefully, gain a new hire.  

In turn, it is our opportunity to showcase the QC - to show young talent the QC is a hub and a home for ambition and creativity, and most of all, a great place to establish a career. When interns feel connected to the community around them, they’re more likely to feel connected to the work in front of them. Together, we can make your interns’ Quad Cities summer internship experience fun and engaging, so they’ll want to stick around for years to come. 

InternQC hosts a series of events throughout the summer, allowing young talent to gather, experience and become immersed in all our region offers. We’ll host events that showcase the best of the Quad Cities, including local favorites along with various community events. Within these relaxed, fun gatherings, they will form friendships and ties to our region, making them more likely to stay or return after graduation. It is a partnership in which we can advance workforce attraction and retention for our region and your business.  

The cost to enroll each intern in InternQC is $125 for members; $200 for non-members. Register now for the 2024 Summer program. Registration closes June 1, 2024 

QC, That’s Where we work together to show your interns the extraordinary potential they have to establish meaningful careers in the Quad Cities.


Registration now open.


Anna Possehl
Anna Possehl
Manager, Programs & Events
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